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Parish Council

Kersey Parish Council is committed to working together with the residents of Kersey for the benefit of the whole parish and aims to be as accessible as possible.

Kersey Parish Council aims to:

  • act in the best interests of all residents in the whole parish
  • make Kersey a great place in which to live, work and visit
  • provide a safe, secure and modern environment
  • preserve Kersey's unique heritage
  • have a well run, financially secure and involving Parish Council
  • represent local views to the next levels of government at Babergh District Council, Suffolk County Council and Westminster

All parishioners of Kersey are encouraged to raise matters of concern with the Council and are welcomed to attend meetings.  The  Parish Council is an elected body which reflects local views and functions as the first tier of government for the parish of Kersey.  It is embedded in the community with a broad responsibility for the well-being of the local neighbourhood.  The work of the Parish Council includes:

  • representing the local community
  • improving local quality of life
  • delivering services to meet local needs
  • managing a budget to support their work

The Parish Council initiates and supports, with the help of volunteers, a variety of projects in Kersey to improve our quality of life. Projects include the installation of the defibrillator, managing the playground, the footpath network and keeping Kersey litter free. The Parish Council can also influence other bodies and tiers of local government, including through planning recommendations and raising matters of local concern.

The Parish Council works in the best interests of all residents in the whole parish to ensure Kersey is a great place in which to live, learn, work and visit.

The Parish Council depends on local people taking an interest in what happens in their community.  Whatever their background, local people working as Parish Councillors can bring a wealth of knowledge and community understanding into the local team.  The Parish Councillors undertake their duties voluntarily, supported by the Parish Clerk.  If you are interested in being a Councillor or joining one of our working groups please contact any Councillor or the Clerk. 

There are seven Parish Councillors who make up Kersey Parish Council, see below the list of current Kersey Parish Councillors.  Parish Council elections take place every four years, the next routine election will be in 2027. 

Click here to view the election result from May 2023.




Area of special responsibility


John Hume

01473 810098

 KVG working group Chair, Kersey Playing Field Association Trustee (ex-officio), Village Hall Representative, SALC Babergh Area Forum representative


Liz Bostock

 07827 928093


  David Butcher  07710 105341

 NPS steering group


Penny Calnan

01787 210459

 Lead Councillor for finance and NPS steering group


Esme Chapman

  07910 170606

 KCPC working group

 Vice Chair

Andrew Rogers

 01787 212242

 Footpath working group, KVG working group


Richard Walker

 01787 211277

 Public Transport Liaison and NPS steering group

In accordance with the Localism Act 2011 ss 26 to 37, Kersey Parish Council has adopted the LGA Model Code of Conduct 2020 which you can view below. Councillors have registered their Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Other Registerable Interests with Babergh District Council and these are published on BDC's website, click link below.  

Link to Parish Councillors' Registers of Interest

Parish Clerk

Mrs Sarah Partridge, Bridges Farm, The Tye, Kersey, Ipswich IP7 6HB Tel 07765 916162

Email:  clerk@kerseyparish.gov.uk  

The Parish Council has four Working Groups to support their activities in the community, these groups are made up of volunteers including Parish Councillors working to make Kersey a better place to live.

The Footpath working group is chaired by Kevin Pratt, more information about this group is found on the Walks page.

The KCPC (Playground) working group is chaired by Jonathan Marsh, more information about this group is found on the Community Organisations page.

KVG working group (Kersey Volunteer Group) is chaired by John Hume.  This group has been set up to help make Kersey a cleaner, safer, more attractive and pleasant place to live and visit.

Kersey Parish Council does not own any land or buildings.

Kersey Parish Council leases, from Kersey Playing Field Association, 3 small areas of ground at The Glebe, Hall Road, Kersey for recreational purposes (approx 460sqm).   The current lease is for 15 years and expires on 30 June 2026.   There is a children’s playground area, an area for fitness equipment and an area for the cricket practice net, all the areas and equipment are maintained by KCPC, a working group of the Parish Council.

Franey and Rand Charities -  Mrs Rachael Rogers is the  Kersey Parish Council representative for these charities. Their aim is to support anyone in a time of hardship with medical needs, travel expenses to hospital and food vouchers in winter.  All enquiries and applications will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.  For more information telephone 01787 212242.  

Nightingale Trust - Mrs Natalie Blyth and David Butcher are the Kersey Parish Council representatives for this Trust which owns the allotments in Kersey.  The Nightingale Trust also supports residents in need and the Boxford and Hadleigh Community Car Scheme which provides assistance with transport to and from local medical appointments.  More information is found on the Community Organisations page.

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