The Parish Council has produced a community emergency plan which should be a useful resource in the event of an emergency. Particular risks identified are flooding, severe weather, catastrophic accident, epidemic illness and serious fire.
Click here to download a copy of the Kersey Community Emergency Plan.
Kersey Newsletter is sponsored and distributed by St Mary’s Church. It is produced by an independent editorial committee and contains village news, details of local church services, parish council and parochial church meeting reports, as well as information about organisations and events in the village. Ten issues per year are published and distributed to every household in the parish. It is financed by the church, a grant from the parish council, voluntary contributions and advertisements. 1/4 page adverts approx 6cm x 9cm £6.00 per insertion, 1/2 page adverts approx 12.5cm x 9cm £11.00 per insertion.
The newsletter is published on the 'Our Community' tab of this website on the Newsletter webpage.
Kersey Newsletter contacts:
Rachel Wells: 01473 822230
Viv Marsh: 07747 175858 -
To advertise in the Kersey Parish Newsletter please contact:
Colin Grannell at or 01473 829074
In an emergency always ring 999 (non emergency dial 101 for local police)
The local police encourage members of the public to report minor crime or concerns as such information can often help to 'complete a jigsaw'.
Kersey is part of the Babergh East Safer Neighbourhood Team
Tel: 101
There is a police website which contains lots of useful information including a crime map which will display information about crimes by area. Just type in your postcode to bring up information for your area.
Police Connect is a messaging service connecting you to the very latest policing news for your area via email.
There is no charge for this service - all messages you receive are free.
You can choose to receive regular updates on crime and public appeals, safety advice and meetings and events.
There is the option to receive information about a range of specific interest areas — such as ‘rural’ or ‘rivers and coastal’ — as well as updates for business owners and news from your Police and Crime Commissioner. The choice is yours.
You can register for this service by contacting Suffolk Police, see their website for more information
You can also follow Suffolk Police and more locally, Hadleigh police, on twitter and facebook for regular updates.
The government has produced a useful guide to home security, click here to download the booklet (pdf 103kb)
Lock your doors, even when you are at home. Do not leave valuables on display in vehicles, do not leave valuables in vehicles at all. Consider getting CCTV, even if just a video doorbell (police now recommend the defender video doorbell available here as no subscription fee). Get an alarm for outbuildings, even if it is a cheap battery one that is attached with fishing wire to one item of value, so when moved an alarm goes off and the offender/s will likely flee. Take photographs of your items of value, make a note of colour, make, model and the serial number. Consider security marking up your items, with either UV pen or for power tools even scratching or embossing something identifiable on it. Those final tips are invaluable for when police recover items.
Suffolk Neighbourhood Watch Association has a website with information
Representing Kersey in the Cosford Division
Robert Lindsay, 147 High Street, Bildeston, Ipswich IP7 7EL
Tel: 01449 741959
Suffolk County Council website:
You can follow Suffolk County Council on twitter for regular updates of their work. See their website for details.
Representing Kersey in the South East Cosford Ward
Leigh Jamieson
Tel: 01449 744407
Babergh District Council website:
You can follow Babergh District Council on twitter for regular updates of their work. See their website for details.
James Cartlidge, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 4875
Cost of Living government support information
Suffolk County Council is responsible for public highways
Click here to go to the SCC highways section of the SCC website. From this page you can report potholes, find out about roadworks and lots more.
You can follow SCC Highways on twitter to keep up to date and make use of the site to see roadworks in your local area. Please go to the SCC Highways website for details.
For further information Tel: 0345 6066171
There are no timetabled regular bus services passing through Kersey.
Hadleigh Community Transport Group provides accessible transport in the Hadleigh, Lavenham and Shotley areas for shopping, doctor and dentist appointments, visiting and socialising.
Hadleigh Community Transport Group regularly run a bus to Kersey. Please contact them to book your journey.
HCTG offer various services, from local bus services operating to a time table, Connecting Communities - a pre booked service operating within the Babergh area, which can connect you to a bus service for onward travel or may be able take you to your destination.
All journeys are pre-booked up to one week in advance with at least 24 hours notice.
To book a bus or for more information please call Hadleigh 01473 826242 9am - 3 pm Monday - Friday
This car scheme also supports Kersey residents. It is run by volunteers for residents needing transport for medical appointments. Opticians, dentists, GP's in Hadleigh and Boxford. Hospitals in Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich. Also, alternative medicine or therapy.
Journeys are charged at 45p per mile.
Mondays to Fridays only
Jen Eastwood 01787 211853, Mark Rigby 07484 649235 for further information.
Contact Dave Howard 01206262196 - 07767 076976
Local and long distance. Airports - Theatres - Weddings - Any occasion.
Tel 01473 828999
Private Hire and executive travel, long distance and local travel.
Mrs Rachael Rogers is the Kersey Parish Council representative for these charities. Their aim is to support anyone in a time of hardship with medical needs, travel expenses to hospital and food vouchers in winter. All enquiries and applications will be dealt with in the strictest confidence. For more information telephone Rachael on 01787 212242.
Feel Good Suffolk is here to help you make healthy changes for your health and wellbeing, one step at a time.
We can help you find the information and support you need to stop smoking, be more active and manage your weight.
There is lots of useful information and resources on this website to help you get started, and make a positive change for your health, today.
Click here to go to Babergh District Council website with and links to support services in Babergh
Fresh Start provides support for local people. The main objective now is working with young adults aged 16-24 that are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
Fresh Start Charity is dedicated to funding and delivering charitable services to the local community and strive to inspire and improve the lives of those who need assistance.
Bildeston Food Bank, run by local volunteers, offering help to individuals who need help with putting food on the table. A free, discreet and non-judgemental service. We look after residents in need in Bildeston and the surrounding satellite villages including including Semer and Brettenham, Chelsworth, Hitcham, Kersey, Kettlebaston, Lindsey, Milden, Monks Eleigh, Nedging with Naughton and Wattisham.
Individuals/families do not need to be referred by the authorities they can contact Shaun Moffat, our Chair, directly. Many do this through Facebook messenger from the Bildeston Foodbank Facebook page.
Tel:01449 257136
The nearest library is on the High Street in Hadleigh.
Hadleigh Library, 29 High Street, Hadleigh, Ipswich IP7 5AG
Tel No: 01473 823778
Our libraries have always provided safe, warm spaces for anyone to come and spend time in or find support and resources. This winter, as part of the national Warm Spaces campaign, we’ll be bringing in new initiatives to help people stay warm, stay safe and stay connected.
The mobile library no longer visits Kersey. Should a need be identified in the future they may consider re-routing to include Kersey again.
Locations in Kersey of open access community defibrillators:
The Bell Inn, The Street, Kersey IP7 6DY. At rear of pub near outside bar and pond
What3Words: downfield.charmingly.flushes
West Sampsons Hall Farm IP7 6EN. Located immediately beside road on a black farm building
What3Words: person.special.playfully
There are also defibrillators at:
Kersey Mill, Stone Street, Kersey IP7 6DP In the old red telephone box.
What3words: votes.treatment.against
Kersey Primary School – Inside building, only available during school opening hours
(off Mill Lane, next to the Church) IP7 6EG
What3words: glider.custodian.goose
Defibrillators are easy to use - the machine gives clear spoken & video instructions on how to proceed so you don't need training to use one.
Should you come across someone who has stopped breathing or is breathing erratically, the most important thing to do is call 999 and start CPR - every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces the chances of survival by 10%. If you're on your own, don't interrupt CPR to go and get a defibrillator. If possible, send someone else.
Once the defibrillator is open and in position, just follow the instructions. The machine detects the heart's rhythm and won't deliver a shock unless one is needed. The 999 operator will also be able to advise you what to do until the ambulance arrives.
Hadleigh & Boxford Group Practice
Hadleigh Health Centre, Market Place, Hadleigh IP7 5DN Tel: 01473 822961
Ipswich Hospital, Heath Road Ipswich IP4 5PD Tel: 01473 712233
West Suffolk Hospital, Hardwick Lane, Bury St. Edmunds IP33 2QZ Tel: 01284 713000
Colchester General Hospital, Turner Road, Colchester CO4 5JL Tel: 01206 747474
105 is the national phone number to report power cuts in the local area
Dialling 105 will put customers through to their local electricity network operator — the company that manages the cables, power lines and substations that deliver electricity into homes and businesses in their area.
105 is just one of the ways that customers can contact their electricity network operator. They can also contact them by phone or via their website, and most network operators are on social media too.
105 is a free service for people in England, Scotland and Wales. Customers can call 105 no matter who they choose to buy electricity from.
Customers can also call 105 if they spot damage to electricity power lines and substations that could put anyone in danger. If there’s a serious immediate risk, they should call the emergency services too.
Vulnerable customers who would like to sign up to the Priority Services Register can still call 0800 169 9970.
UK Power Networks manage the electricity network for Kersey and the East of England. See their website for more information.
You can find out about power cuts in our area on the UK Power Networks fault map
To sign up for flood alerts please follow the below link, select ‘home’ and then either put in your property or search by town/city and type in ‘Kersey’ then follow the instructions to sign up.
Suffolk County Council has created the ‘Report a flood in Suffolk’ webpage.
This helps to inform users which organisation they should report their flood to, and provides links to try and make this process as simple as possible. Historically, flooding tends to go under-reported due to the fear of an increase in insurance costs, but a new government scheme known as “Flood Re” has helped to significantly reduce the burden on homeowners. If you are aware of any areas which may have suffered from flooding, we would encourage you to use our reporting tool and make the relevant risk management authorities aware.
You can find more information about ‘Food Re’ and how flooding is managed in Suffolk by going to the Suffolk County Council webpage.
You can also find plenty more information on a number of different flooding and drainage issues (such as ditches, highway drainage, and the responsibilities of private owners) on the Suffolk County Council webpage.
Anglian Water offer practical support to help with their services via their Priority Services Register. It is free to sign up to. For more information please follow the link below.
There are two vet practices based in Hadleigh
Highcliff Vets
The Hadleigh Vets
The nearest Post Offices are in Boxford, Monks Eleigh and Hadleigh.
Organised by Babergh District Council.
Click here to see an information sheet about what can go in your recycling bin
Click here for link to Babergh Waste and Recycling webpage.
The nearest recycling centre is the Suffolk County Council Household Waste Site at Crockett Way, Hadleigh, Suffolk IP7 6AH (off Lady Lane Industrial Estate) Hadleigh.
See also
Fly-tipping should be reported to Babergh District Council using the link below.
Click on the link below to find advice and information about flytipping.
H Byham & Son Ltd, Ballingdon Dairy, Sudbury Tel 01787 372526
Keith Avis 68 High Street, Hadleigh Tel: 01473 823131
Boxford Shop, Broad Street, Boxford Tel: 01787 211700
The nearest petrol stations and garages are in Boxford or Lady Lane, Hadleigh.