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Community Organisations

Bell Ringers

Friends of the Bells of St Mary's Church

Kersey Church has 8 bells ranging in weight from 3 cwt to 14 cwt. Practice night is every Thursday from 7.45 pm until 9.30 pm, to which beginners, learners and experienced bell ringers are most welcome. At present Kersey is very short of ringers so please come and give it a go. There is 30 minutes ringing before every morning Sunday service.

The object of the Friends of the Bells is to promote support for the maintenance and repair of the bells of St Mary’s Church, Kersey and the associated fabric of the bell tower. Membership is open to all; including people from outside the village who are interested in bell ringing. The Friends of the Bells is run by a committee of which the incumbent is an ex-officio member.

Further details from:

  • Chair Mr R Banks 01787 210366
  • Tower Captain Mr N Whittell  01473 822616
  • Tower Correspondent Mrs K Banks 01787 210366


The Forget Me Nots group (formerly the over 60's) was formed over 40 years ago and originally the group met every fortnight in the Village Hall to play cards and other games.

But over the years the members have changed and so has the format. After discussions with the present members, who are all reasonably fit and well, it has been decided that we would have two meetings a month, one a coffee morning, or in the summer months, we would meet for an afternoon tea. The other meeting would be for a long and sociable lunch in a friendly hostelry or a favourite restaurant of choice. We have travelled far and wide and found many a gem tucked away where the food is delicious, plentiful and the atmosphere welcoming.

If anyone would like to join us for such an outing, please contact Veronica and a lift can be provided, or ring to book a place at table. All are welcome.

Further details from Veronica Partridge on 07595 263111

Friends of St Mary’s Church Trust (FoSM)

The Friends of St Mary’s Church Trust was set up in 2019 to help raise funds to protect, restore and develop the fabric of our beautiful church building in Kersey. This is in addition to a similar trust to specifically protect and maintain the eight church bells.

Friends of St Mary’s is separate to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) but works very closely with them. The PCC takes care of the everyday running of the church. The Friends of St Mary’s Church Trust looks after the structural needs of the church as a building of architectural and historical beauty.

The Trust has already helped to fund repairs to the West doors and the area under the bell tower, giving a more dramatic welcome to visitors with a spectacular view down the nave to the vestry. The future focus is to restore both the North and South entrance porches to their former glory, as well as opening the passageway up to the top of the bell tower to access the incredible views across Suffolk. The view from the top of St Mary’s Church is reportedly in the top three ‘highest viewpoints’ in Suffolk.

The Trust raises funds in a variety of ways. Classical concerts, music evenings, jazz nights and other events held in Kersey throughout the year, as well as relying on the generosity of both residents and visitors alike to make simple donations to this great cause. You can also join our 500 Club members lottery, the prize money is divided between three lucky winners each month.

For more details of forthcoming events please visit the events page of this website or for more information about FoSM including membership and 500 Club forms please contact Mark Pertwee, details below. 

If you would like to know more about the work to protect the fabric of the church building, or indeed become a member or a ‘friend’ of the Trust and make a donation, please contact:

Grays' Trust

In 1910 the small one up one down former bakery on Church Hill was left in trust by the Rev William Brice Gray for use as a Reading Room. With improvements in education its original use became obsolete and from the late 1930s the downstairs room was used by a Men’s Club to play snooker and billiards. The upstairs room was used for church meetings and Sunday School. These uses gradually became infrequent and ceased in 1993, and the snooker table was sold in 1995. Different uses for the building were investigated and the parish was consulted, but nothing was identified. An application for lottery funds to convert the building into two small meeting rooms was rejected as an unviable project. The Charity Commission were consulted and a Scheme dated 4 December 2002 was granted giving the Trust different objectives but still maintaining Rev Gray’s original purpose in providing educational benefit for the people of Kersey and residual support for the church. The new scheme provided the Trustees with a power of sale of the Reading Room and this was sold in 2004 with permission to convert to a private dwelling. The proceeds of sale were added to the capital fund. The income from the capital may be applied to the following objects:

  1. To promote the education of persons who are resident in the area of benefit. This has been defined as the parish of Kersey and the surrounding area which includes Kersey Tye, The Uplands and Wickerstreet Green, in the County of Suffolk.
  2. If and insofar as the income of the charity cannot be applied toward the object above, it may be applied in furthering the religious and other charitable work of the Church of England in the area of benefit.


  • Vicar (ex-officio) - Rev Geoffrey Clement
  • Mary Pearce (Chair) mary.p@btinternet.com
  • Philippa Harris - Secretary
  • Bridget Allen
  • Peter Martin
  • Stuart McQuaker
  • Hugo Sacker

A notice inviting individuals and organisations to bid for financial support of educational studies appears in the Kersey Newsletter in July each year.

Please submit applications to graystrustapplications@gmail.com

KCPC (Playground) working group

KCPC (formerly the Kersey Community Playground Committee) is a working group of the Parish Council, which has the aim of maintaining and improving the recreation facilities for local children and adults. The playground at the west end of the Glebe sports field was established following local fundraising efforts. It caters for children aged 2-12 years with a wide range of activities in a safe enclosed area. There is a cricket practice net located at the east end of the Glebe sports field and three pieces of outdoor gym equipment near the children's playground. KCPC hold regular fundraising events, including the popular quiz night in the autumn, so the recreation facilities can continue to be maintained and improved.  The working group is fortunate to be supported by volunteers from the whole parish who help with mowing and maintenance of the playground.  Anyone interested in helping at maintenance mornings or mowing the small playground area once a year as part of our rota of volunteers, using our mower, would be very welcome.

Further details from:

  • Chair Jonathan Marsh  01473 822927

Kersey Playing Field Association (The Glebe)

The Glebe sports field is on the Hall Road adjacent to the Old Vicarage and is owned by the Kersey Playing Field Association, which is a registered charity. The objects of the charity are ‘to provide and maintain in the interest of social welfare a playing field and recreation facilities for the inhabitants of the village of Kersey and its neighbourhood’.

The Trustees have leased to the Parish Council  3 plots, one at the west end of the Glebe on which the children’s playground has been established, another adjacent to the children's playground for fitness equipment and another plot at the east end of the Glebe for a cricket practice net. During term time the field is used regularly by the school. It is available for organised events, also for car parking for weddings, parties and events.

Further details from the secretary Mark Pertwee 01473 810227

Kersey Projects

Kersey Projects consists of a small group of parishioners who organise social events in the parish, mainly for entertainment but also for fund-raising. Any funds raised are always steered towards charities or organisations that benefit the parish of Kersey.

Amongst other ad hoc events, Kersey Projects stage a bi-annual Kersey Open Gardens event, where 20+ parishioners' gardens feature; an annual Christmas tree lighting event and the annual Burns' Night evening.

Kersey Projects are always happy to lend support to any fund-raising event in the parish of Kersey.

Further details from kerseyprojects@gmail.com

KVG working group (Kersey Volunteer Group)

KVG is a working group of the Parish Council.  The aim of the KVG is to make Kersey a pleasant and safe place in which to live, work and visit. This is done by the volunteers continually collecting litter, reporting to Suffolk County Council highways problems and hazards such as potholes, and notifying Anglian Water of leaks.

Anyone interested in joining the KVG would be very welcome.

Further details from:

  • Chair of KVG, John Hume 01473 810098
  • The Parish Clerk, Sarah Partridge 07765 916162

Nightingale Trust and Allotments

The Nightingale Trust was founded in 1580 by the will of Robert Nightingale. There are 6 trustees, two representative trustees appointed by the Parish Council and 4 co-opted trustees who must be residents of the village. The income, mainly derived from garden allotment land, is distributed at Christmas to the elderly of the parish and also any resident of the parish who may require assistance during the year. 

The Trust has managed to include Kersey Parish residents in the existing Boxford and Hadleigh Community Car Scheme.  Kersey Parish residents in need of assistance with transport to and from local medical appointments should contact Jen Eastwood on 01787 211853 or Mark Rigby on 07484 649235 for further information.

The allotments are situated at the end of Kedges Lane and are owned and managed by the Nightingale Trust. They are let, as available, generally on a first come first served basis.

There is now a special class at the VPA show for allotment holders.   The annual tenants meeting is held in October.

For further details about the allotments and applications please contact the secretary Natalie Blyth 01473 827805

Table Tennis Club

The Kersey Table Tennis Club was formed in September 2009. The Kersey Parish Plan, completed in 2008, indicated that there was considerable interest in table tennis amongst parishioners. As a result, a group of volunteers successfully applied for some grant funding to purchase 2 tables and start a table tennis club in Kersey Village Hall.

The objective of the club is to promote sporting and social activity for anyone in the locality. The club’s mission statement is to promote healthier living through exercise, give the opportunity for people to learn, improve and play table tennis and to provide a recreational amenity for all age groups to interact and socialise.

The club hires Kersey Village Hall on a Thursday evening from 7.30 pm — 9 pm. The club will run between September and June each year depending on demand from players. Players pay a small charge each week to play; currently adults pay £2 for 1 hour or £3 for the whole evening and juniors (under 18) pay £2/evening.

Our next season commences 05/09/2024 and finishes 25/06/2025

Further details from Adrian Blyth  01473 827805 amblyth1@gmail.com

Tuesday Club

The club meets on the first Tuesday of the month from March - December in the Village Hall.  The June, July, August and September meetings are at 7.30 pm and October, November, December, March and April at 2.30pm.  The annual meal is held in May.

A mixed programme is arranged each year of speakers and demonstrations. Everyone of any age is welcome to the meetings. £1 per meeting to help cover costs and refreshments.

Further details from Mrs Rachel Wells 01473 822230

Village Produce Association (VPA)

The Association was formed in 1947, the idea being to enable members to buy seeds and seed potatoes and also hold an annual flower show. Now the main function of the year is still the Flower and Vegetable Show, usually held in September. Annual outings are organised to gardens, etc. The Association also owns 2 marquees, which are available for hire to groups and individuals. The AGM is held in March with other meetings as required. Membership is £1 per year.

Further details from:

  • Chair Pete Partridge 01473 827231
  • Secretary Mrs Rachel Wells 01473 822230